Tuesday, 30 March 2021

Urban Eel/ Tuna Tāone - WE NEED YOU!

Ngā mihi e te whānau, warm greetings to you all.

 Parent Help Needed: Te Tuna Tāone - Urban Eel

We are still looking for parents or family members to help us with our Urban Eel/ Tuna Tāone activity day on Friday April 9 from 9am - 2:30pm. The activities will be based around measuring water flow and quality, riparian zone habitats, macro-invertebrates and will include an 'eel encounter' with longfin eel/tuna from our  Opāwaho/Heathcote River. No previous experience or prior knowledge is needed. In fact, we expect to learn as much as the students from these activities and gain a much better appreciation of our local environment.

We will spend the day down at the Heathcote River beside our Ponds, learning about stormwater pollution and habitat destruction of the native longfin eel, and teaching students about the need to take action now to care for our unique ‘Tuna Tāone', or 'Urban Eels'. 

If you are able to help us, please get in touch with your child's homegroup teacher by email as soon as possible. We look forward to hearing from you! 

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