Friday 21 June 2024

Pōhutukawa Update, Term 2 Week 8

 Ngā mihi e te whānau,

It was fantastic to see so many of you at our Learning Conferences last week, we really appreciate the whanaungatanga that comes as a result of these conversations. Mā tātou te katoa te waka e hoe, we are all rowing the waka together.

A huge mihi/ thank you to those parents who supported our Food for Thought visit to New World on Wednesday, and St Martins New World for hosting us in-store. We certainly ran the gauntlet with the weather in the afternoon, and all the home groups were able to enjoy a practical lesson outside of school to consolidate what they learned during the in-class sessions. We hope you enjoy the photos, and the pānui/information about the programme below.

All the best to those tamariki who are entering the 40 Hour Challenge this weekend. Nau mai te wero - bring on the challenge! As we wind up the term, we have a few housekeeping items for you to be aware of, so thank you for reading on.

Empowering Healthier Futures Through "Food for Thought

This week we had Karli from Food for Thought visit the school to deliver three nutrition sessions to the students. Our schoolwide concept for 2024 is Identity, and we have chosen to look at this concept through the lens of Health this term.

The first two sessions saw students learn about how foods and nutrients support active and growing bodies. We also learned how to read the nutritional information on packaged foods and explored the sugar content in different drinks. We discovered that a 600ml bottle of Coca-Cola contains a staggering 16 teaspoons of sugar!

In the third session, students were given the opportunity to apply their newfound knowledge in a real-world setting. We visited St Martins New World where students analysed nutrition labels on various packaged foods to learn more about what is in our foods. Pōhutukawa are now expert food detectives! Don't hesitate to ask them to showcase their new skills to you.

At the end of the programme, each class received a $60 New World gift card to share some healthy kai. Watch this space!

It was great to have the Food for Thought team with us to give our students important lessons they can carry with them through life. If you are interested in learning more about Food for Thought, visit their website here:


Toys and Precious Items

We have noticed an increase in students bringing toys and precious items to school e.g. Rubik's Cubes. Unfortunately, due to the tendency of these things to get broken or go missing, we ask that all students not bring these to school. Thank you for your support with this.

Matariki Evening and Kapa Haka Performance

Matariki is the start of the Māori new year and a time of reflection, connection and planning for the year ahead. We would like to celebrate with you and your whānau on the 25th of June from 5pm - 7pm.  As part of the evening Whaea Cath Milio is preparing our kapa haka rōpu for a short performance on the night. The performance will be at approximately 6:40pm in Māpuna, our school hall, and will be after our Matariki activities in the Hub. It's a wonderful opportunity for our kapa haka rōpu to perform. Your child/children will need to meet in Pūkaki (opposite the Pōhutukawa Hub) at 6:15pm in order to get ready. We look forward to seeing you there!

It has been really great to see the students 'stepping up' to show We Care for our school environment by removing their shoes during this wet and muddy season.  We are lucky to have wonderful underfloor heating in the classrooms, so feet stay nice and warm, and as an added benefit our carpet stays mud-free! In addition to this, we suggest that if your child is coming home with very muddy clothes, please consider supplying them with a spare pair of school shorts and a spare school top for them to change into once they finish their games.