Friday 21 February 2014
Basketball Maths
Room15 have a novel way to learn their basic facts - Phillipa asks a question "8 x 7 = ?" and they need to answer before they catch the ball!
Monday 17 February 2014
Haere Mai ki te Whanau o Pohutukawa 2014
News from Te Whānau o Pōhutukawa (Year 5 & 6 Team)
In the Pōhutukawa team we are loving 2014! We have been
getting to know each other with new activities, fun games, and awesome books. If you walk past Room 21 or 22 you might hear
explosions as they mix substances in their kitchen science study! (Rooms 14
& 15 will do this later in the term – they can’t wait!) In the meantime,
Rooms 14 & 15 have been using drama, art and writing to explore pranks and
personalities in their shared book. Our theme for the year is “Working
Together” and we are already enjoying the journey.