Ngā mihi e te whānau, warm greetings to you all,
What a busy few weeks we have had! We loved having the chance to connect with you at our Learning Conferences and also see many of you at our Matariki Evening this week, as well. These connections, and the whanaungatanga that comes with them, are so valuable. They are wonderful chance for the students to reflect on their successes, as well as look ahead to the next two terms. We hope you enjoy some photos of life in the Pōhutukawa Hub over the past busy few weeks. Please take the time to read on for some important information.
Cyber Safety
Learning online continues to be a vital part of our learning at school, and the cyber safety of our tamariki is always at the forefront of what we do. At the beginning of the year, we held workshops on how to be cyber safe, and also expectations around using devices. We have recently been revisiting some of these ideas, and reminding our students that their school accounts are for learning purposes only. We have attached a Cyber Safety Guidelines @ Home for you to look at with your tamariki and discuss. Mā tātou te katoa te waka e hoe, we are all rowing the waka together.
Shoes/ Ngā hū
It has been really great to see the students 'stepping up' to show We Care for our school environment by removing their shoes during this wet and muddy season. Please click the link here to take a look at our latest Y-chart that was co-constructed with the students during our PB4L lesson. It really does make a huge difference to our learning space. Our next 'step' in this regard is to continue to work on keeping the shoes in a tidy way. Again, revisiting these expectations at ho'me, as well really helps us to get there together.
Winter Sports/ Hākinakina
Our Winter Sports programme is also now full steam ahead, with all of our students getting some amazing netball, football and hockey coaching and tautoko, support from our Year 8 student leaders on Wednesday afternoons. Our competitive teams are enjoying themselves in the South Zone competition and representing Beckenham admirably. A huge mihi, thanks to the parents who are helping out on Wednesday and Thursday afternoons. We simply couldn't do it without your help and support.