Sunday, 15 December 2019

The last week of 2019 in Pōhutukawa

Monday 16 December

Hut day!
Last week, the children got into groups, planned what their hut would look like and decided on what materials each child would need to bring to school. If your child can't remember what was decided for them to bring, we suggest any of the following: sheets, blankets, tarpaulins, pegs, tape, string, cushions, decorations, fairy lights, large boxes and any other supplies which can be easily carried to school.
The materials are only to be brought to school on Monday and will need to be returned home at the end of the day, to ensure we are looking after our environment.
We expect to see lots of creativity, innovation, kiwi ingenuity, working together and children having lots of fun.

Tuesday 17 December

House games and school picnic - 12pm!
Our amazing house captains will be organising a variety of games and fun activities for their houses. After the fun and play, we will be having lunch in the park. All whānau are invited to this school-wide event.

Wednesday 18 December

Water fun on the park, after lunch!
We will be attending the Year 8 graduation assembly at 11am, and then after lunch there will be fun and games on the park, with regards to water. The children are invited to bring their togs and any water guns they may have. We will set up the slip and slide and the children can have a fun-filled afternoon. Fingers crossed that the weather plays its part!

Thursday 19 December

Last day, school closes at - 12:30pm!
At 10am the students will be visiting their new homegroup for 2020. They will be told which home group they are in prior to 10am and also given a letter to take home. Hopefully having seen who is in their class and knowing who their homegroup teacher is will ensure the children happily enjoy their break, and that they will be looking forward to the new year.

Thank you from us all for your support, in such a variety of ways, over the year. We have had a lovely year with your children, and hope that everyone has a wonderful break. Stay safe and we look forward to seeing everyone who is returning in 2020.

Gayle, Katie, Rae, Steve and Tracy

Wednesday, 4 December 2019

T4W8 in Pōhutukawa

Kapa haka celebration concert Thursday 5 December 6:30pm

The Pōhutukawa kapa haka group, along with Te Whānau Mahi Tahi and the Kōwhai kapa haka group will be performing on the above date, in the school hall.
This will be Sherrilee's last performance as the teacher in charge of our kapa haka groups. 

Road Patrol training Friday 6 December 9:30

Constable Ross will be training a group of Year 5 students who have kindly volunteered to join the road patrol for next year this Friday. The students will be learning theory and then putting what this into practice on our crossing at Sandwich Road. Keeping our whānau safe while crossing the road is an important responsibility, and we appreciate the students taking this on.

'Thank you' croissant & coffee morning Tuesday 10 December 8:30am

You are invited to our "Thank you..."
There are many people within our school community who go the extra mile to help others and make our school the caring community that it is.  Many thanks to all those who recently made meals and baking for a school family who needed a bit of extra support, your kindness was truly appreciated. Thank you to the people who help with trips, being on the PTA, serving on the Board, baking days, book sorting, and many, many more varied activities around our school, that keep the school running and support our tamariki and our staff.

As a small token of our appreciation as a staff, for the work that parents, grandmas, grandads, aunties, uncles, neighbours, friends and others in our community who do support us, we will be hosting  croissant and coffee on Tuesday December 10th in the staffroom from 8:30 - 9:15am.  We would love to see as many people as possible there.

Sherrilee's farewell assembly Wednesday 11 December 9:30am

We have sadly received the resignation of Sherrilee as our Kaiako Te Reo Maori. Sherrilee has been on our staff for 25 years, and has made a huge contribution to our school through her teaching of te reo Māori, tikanga Māori and kapa haka. Sherrilee has been offered work in secondary schools which she is excited about taking up and we wish her all the very best for that.
We will be holding a farewell assembly next Wednesday morning, from 9:30am. We are inviting past students of Te Whānau Mahi Tahi to attend, along with our current whānau.
We would appreciate if parents of current students could bring along a small plate of food to contribute to the morning tea, as a way of contributing to the 'thank you'.

Hut Day Monday 16 December

Due to 'Hut Day' being such a success last year, we have decided to give the children the opportunity to enjoy such a day again this year. 
Next week, the children will be given time to get into groups, plan what their hut will look like and what materials each child will need to bring to school.
Suggested materials will be sheets, blankets, tarpaulins, pegs, tape, string, cushions, decorations, large boxes and any other supplies which can be easily carried to school.
The materials are only to be brought to school on Monday 16 December, as we do not have the storage facility to keep them at school. All materials brought to school will need to be returned home at the end of the day, to ensure we are looking after our environment.