Sunday 12 March 2017

Pōhutukawa Team Newsletter - Term 1, Week 6, 2017

Home Learning

For part of their home learning this week, the students will be completing a special one-off activity where they will create a diagram of their family tree. As part of this, please talk to your children about any interesting events in your family's history or about any interesting relatives/ancestors.

In the coming weeks, the children will be using the information they learn about their family as a starting point for a personal inquiry into a topic related to their family's history (e.g. early settlers, a famous relative, life in New Zealand in the 1990s etc.).

Paint Shirts

For art, the children will soon be working on creating and painting clay models. We ask that all children bring a large, old shirt to protect their uniform from any accidental paint splashes. We also have a small selection of shirts for any children that are unable to bring a paint shirt.

Word Art

As part of our identity inquiry, the children have been enthusiastically creating word clouds to express the personal qualities that make them special. Check out some of our work:

Baby Photos

Thanks for sending in all of the baby photos. The children have been having a lot of fun looking at them and trying to guess who is who!

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