Sunday 15 September 2019

Orana Park trip for Pōhutukawa this Monday and Tuesday

Orana Park trip Monday and Tuesday

The weather looks great for our trip to Orana Park tomorrow and on Tuesday!
Some final reminders for the students: 
  • Wear school uniform to school and be at school at the usual time
  • Bring a good sized lunch and a full water bottle
  • Wear comfortable shoes as there is lots of walking involved
  • Bring any medication required (eg. inhaler)
  • Optional - rain jacket (Tuesday), school sun hat
Tracy and Rae's classes along with half of Steve's class are going on the trip tomorrow.
Katie and Gayle's classes along with half of Steve's class are going on the trip Tuesday.

We leave school at 9:30am and return at 2:30pm.

Thank you again to all of the adults who are accompanying us as active supervisors! 

We look forward to all of the fun and learning to come!

Tuesday 10 September 2019

T3 W8 in Pōhutukawa

Orana Park trips on Monday 16 and Tuesday 17 September

On Monday Tracy’s home group, Rae’s home group and half of Steve’s home group will be visiting Orana Park. On Tuesday Katie’s home group, Gayle’s home group and the other half of Steve’s home group will visit the park. Steve's home group know which day they are going to the park.

Thank you to all of the adults who offered to help. To those adults who are assisting us with adult supervision, could you please be at school on the day your child is going on the trip by 9:10am, so that we can brief you on the Safety Action Plan.

The students should be at school at the usual time. We are leaving at 9:30am. The students will need to be in comfortable footwear and in school uniform. They should bring a jacket in case of inclement weather. If your child suffers from asthma, please ensure they have their medication with them in a named plastic bag, with instructions about administration. Your child needs to give this to their class teacher prior to departure. The students will need to wear school uniform and bring: 
A water bottle 
A substantial morning tea and lunch 
A warm layer of clothing (especially a windproof jacket) 

Please note there will be no postponement day if the weather is unsuitable. An email  message will be sent out at 8am on the day, if the trip is being cancelled. 

Please return....

  • readathon cards and money, to the office
  • sports uniform, washed and dried, to the box outside the library

Cultural Festival

Good luck to Te Whānau Mahi Tahi who are performing at the Christchurch Primary Schools Cultural Festival at Horncastle Arena on Thursday 12 September night! The show starts at 6:45pm. 

The instructions from Sherrilee are:

ENTRANCE: Side door/performers special entrance to the far far left of the arena. Meet Nicky and Steve there.
WEAR: Easy to put on shoes, warm zip-up top/jacket, stage make up if allowed to. 
BRING: Your best smile, wonderful manners and fabulous Beckenham Te kura o Pūroto behaviour.
ARRIVE: Around between 6:15pm-6:30pm, staff will guide you to our seating area.
PICK UP AFTER SHOW FROM: We will move as a group and meet all parents/whānau downstairs in the main foyer,  just look for our costumes.

Whānau Rōpū Hui - Monday 16 September 5:30pm

Tēnā koutou e te whānau,
We would again like to offer you a hearty welcome to our Whānau Rōpū hui in the school staff room.
We are looking forward to getting together again for another great evening to celebrate Te Ao Māori with our local whānau, cook and share some kai and talk about upcoming events as we continue to develop our Whānau Rōpū together.
Nau mai haere mai! Come along, this is a great opportunity to get to know other tamariki and whānau, enjoy a cuppa and some kai, and get involved in this important aspect of our kura.
Ngā manaakitanga noho ora mai,
Steve Cooke and Sampson Karst

Keeping Ourselves Safe

At the moment the whole school has the pleasure of hosting Constable Ross Mitchell, who is conducting some lessons for every class from the Keeping Ourselves Safe learning that we are doing. Keeping Ourselves Safe [KOS] consists of a comprehensive range of child protection resources to help students learn and apply a range of safety skills that they can use when interacting with others. 
The school is able to access these from the NZ Police website. Keeping Ourselves Safe enables children and young people to learn and apply a range of safety skills that they can use when interacting with others. Students recognise the differences between healthy and unhealthy relationships, and those who have been or are being abused are encouraged to seek help.
Discussing what your child has been learning at school will be a great way to reinforce the safety messages being delivered.

Back in 1969 Quiz: Saturday 14th September

So many amazing things happened "Back in 1969". Let's celebrate some of these 50-year milestones with a quiz.
The quiz will follow the usual format & one category will be focused on all things 1969.
Tickets are $20 each, max. of 6 per team. Supper provided, bar available & prizes galore.
This event is an adult-only event (R18). Doors open at 7pm.
Dress up is optional but sooooo encouraged!!! Prizes for the "Best Dressed".
Profits raised from this event will be used to purchase a Portable Outdoor Sound System.

Many thanks to our PTA for supplying entertainment for the community and funds to the school!

Tuesday 3 September 2019

Book dress up day photos

Parenting Week

‘Strategies to help your family through the difficult times and enjoy being together’

 ‘Neighbourhood Trust is proud to bring you Parenting Week here in Canterbury. It’s happening from the 9th to 19th September and has around 30 events for any stage of parenting. They have a great line-up of experts including Mike King, Pio Terei, Dr Sue Bagshaw, Jenny Hale and Jax Hamilton, all right here.

 Their facebook page: Parenting Week, Christchurch has all the events listed and more information.

Book dress up day photos

We had a fun day on Friday, finishing off our Readathon week with a book character dress up day.